Questions & Answers to help make your experience at PRE a positive one!

Q: What are PRE’s start and dismissal times?

A: Students may be dropped off at 6:50 a.m. The first bell rings at 7:10 a.m. The tardy bell rings at 7:15 a.m. If a child is on campus, but not in their classroom by 7:15 a.m., they will be marked tardy. If your child arrives after 7:15 a.m., you will walk him/her into the front office, present your valid ID, and sign him/her in. Dismissal is at 1:29 p.m.

Q: What are car rider tags and why do I need one?

A: To pick your child up in the car rider line, you must have a PRE hanging car tag with your child’s assigned dismissal number. Each family will receive two car tags. Additional tags may be purchased at the front desk for $1 each. If you do not have a PRE car tag, you will be asked to drive to the front office, park, show your ID to come into the office, and sign your student(s) out. We do this to ensure we only send home students with approved pickup people.

Q: What if I don’t want to wait in the morning car rider line, can I drop them off somewhere else?

A: We’re sorry, but this is not allowed for safety and supervision reasons. You must stay in your car and use the designated car rider line. The best choice for avoiding the car rider line is to use the bus! Sign your student up for bus transportation by contacting Student Transportation of America (STA) at Transportation - Santa Rosa County Schools (

Q: If I want someone to pick up my child, have lunch with my child, receive my child off the bus, or be an emergency contact, etc. what do I need to do?

A: Please ensure they are listed in FOCUS. Please update this throughout the year if needed. Your child may only go home with someone on their FOCUS account.

Q: What if my child’s afternoon transportation home changes? What should I do?

A: Make definite arrangements for your child’s transportation to and from school prior to the school day. If your child needs to go home in a way other than his or her normal way, a dated NOTE with parent/guardian signature must be turned in to the child’s teacher or front office indicating the transportation change. Without a signed note, the student must go home in their usual approved manner. Students dismissing in an alternate way than normal will receive a temporary dismissal pass. In an effort to ensure student safety, transportation changes will NOT be accepted over the telephone. Please do not text, send School Status messages, or emails to teachers as they are not always able to receive these throughout the day. All transportation changes must be made prior to 1:00 p.m.

Q: Can my Kindergarten student get off the bus in the afternoon and go home alone?

A: No, there must be a parent or guardian who is listed in FOCUS to physically receive Kindergarten students off the bus. If no one is there, Kindergarten students will be returned to school and a parent/emergency contact will be called to pick them up at PRE.

Q: How does the attendance policy work at PRE?

A: If your child needs to miss school unexpectedly, please send a dated and signed note or doctor’s note within 3 days of return. 9+ absences may result in the requirement of doctor notes. Any pre-arranged absences must be submitted for approval 5 days in advance.

Q: School starts so early! What happens if my child is excessively tardy?

A: Three late check-ins or early check-outs result in one unexcused absence. It is a parent’s responsibility to get their students to school each day in a timely manner. Each moment of instructional time is valuable! Q: What is the latest time I can check my child out from school? A: Please do not check your child out any later than 1:00 p.m. Any combination of three late check-ins or early check-outs equals one unexcused absence.

Q: In which special areas will my child participate?

A: We are on a 7-day color rotation for PE, Music, and Art. Library classes are scheduled by class and children are welcome to visit each morning between 6:50 – 7:10 a.m. or when the teacher sends students to the library to return/check-out books.

Q: Do students have to wear athletic/gym shoes to school?

A: Yes, our students go outside to recess every day and have PE most days. Students are required to always wear shoes. Tennis shoes are required for the physical education program and recess. Students will not be given time to change shoes prior to P.E. or recess. Depending on the planned activity, students who do not have appropriate shoes may not be permitted to participate in P.E. or recess. Exceptions can be made on special occasions such as on picture days, awards ceremonies, etc.

Q: Is there a dress code at PRE?

A: Yes, we have a dress code – Students should be appropriately dressed for school. Appropriate attire is necessary to ensure students can learn and participate in a safe manner. All removable clothing such as sweaters, jackets, coats, hats, and rainwear should be clearly marked with the student’s name. Clothing which advertises tobacco, alcoholic beverages or which contains obscenities or suggestive logos, low cut shirts, and pajama pants/shorts shall not be worn to school. Garments which expose the midriff or a broad area of the shoulders 3 such as tube tops, tank tops and halter tops, undershirts, crop tops, and fish net shirts/blouses are not to be worn. Shorts and miniskirts may be worn but must be fingertip in length. “Fingertip in length” means when standing up, clothing must come to the student’s fingertips. Holes in pants/shorts that expose skin above fingertip length are not permitted. Shoes with a wheel and cleats are not permitted. Armbands, wristbands, belts or other items with metal projections are prohibited. Hats, caps, and sunglasses are not to be worn inside the building, except as specified for special “hat/cap days”. Students who arrive at school in dress that is not in compliance with the above dress code will be asked to telephone home and have the parent/guardian bring appropriate clothing for the student. If a parent is not available to provide appropriate clothing, students will be provided appropriate clothing from the care closet, if available.

Q: What is the best way to communicate with my child’s teacher?

A: The best form of communication is the School Status app. If you prefer a face-to-face conference with a teacher, please request this through SchoolStatus or the front office (850) 995-3680. Please allow a 24-hour window for a response from anyone from the school.

Q: What in the world is School Status and how do I sign up?

A: School Status is a district / school / teacher communication platform. You will be invited join via app or email based on your FOCUS information (just one more reason to keep FOCUS contact info updated!) Find more information on the district website, visit

Q: I have questions and concerns about something or someone at PRE. What should I do?

A: Please first try to resolve the issue directly with your child’s teacher. If needed, please contact the front office at (850) 995-3680 to speak with Mrs. Crate or Mrs. Bennett. You may also email our admin team or school counselor directly. Email addresses for all staff are available on our school website,

Q: If I have a school related question or concern about PRE, should my first stop be social media (i.e. Community Groups)

A: No. Please reach out to the school to get reliable and accurate information.

Q: How do I stay on top of all the amazing events that occur at PRE?

A: Yes, there are A LOT of great things happening at PRE, but you can always be in-the-know by signing up for School Status & reading School Status messages, listening to our call-outs, following/liking our Facebook page (, checking our website (, and finally… by joining our School Support Team (SST) and getting involved as a volunteer!

Q: May I walk my student into school on his or her first day?

A: Yes. New students in all grades may be escorted to their classroom by their parent/guardian for their first two days of school (August 12 & 13) only.

Q: May I bring lunch to my child?

A: Yes. Lunches will need to be delivered to the front office by you. NO DOOR DASH or other delivery services will be accepted.

Q: May I have lunch with my child?

A: Yes. Visitors will be welcome to eat lunch starting on Monday, August 26 once students are acclimated to their routines. Whomever comes to eat lunch with your child MUST be listed in FOCUS. Also, please no more than 2 visitors at a time as we have limited seating. No cell phones/pics/videos in the cafeteria.

Q: How do I pay for my child’s lunch?

A: You are welcome to send in cash or a check that clearly designates your student’s name, teacher’s name/grade, and what it is for; however, the safest & easiest way to pay for breakfast or lunch is to create an account on MySchoolBucks using your student’s ID#. You can add money, keep track of their balance, and see what they buy.

Q: What do I do if I need my child to receive free/reduced breakfast and lunch rates?

A: Complete an application for a free and reduced meal by visiting We encourage all families to complete an application.

Q: Can I send prescription and/or over the counter (OTC) medication with my child to school?

A: Medication must be signed in by a parent/guardian through the clinic.

Q: Can my child buy ice cream, chips, and other snack food items during lunch?

A: Yes, contact your child’s teacher for more information. Contact the Cafeteria Manager, Shannon Towery, if you would like to place limits on what/when your child may purchase.

Q: Is there a before/after-school care program at PRE?

A: Yes, PRE hosts the Community School Before & Aftercare Program (also known as Latchkey). Program Phone Number Community School/Latchkey- 850-983-5650

Q: Cell phone and smart watch usage is a hot topic at our house. What are your policies and is it okay to text or call my student during the school day?

A: A student may bring a mobile device to school. The mobile device shall be in silent mode during school hours so noises from the device will not disrupt the instructional environment. Students may use their mobile device at any time during NON-INSTRUCTIONAL time unless instructed specifically not to do so by a member of the school staff. At Pea Ridge Elementary, administration expects all student cell phones to be kept in backpacks and out of sight during non-instructional times between 6:50 a.m.- 1:29 p.m. unless otherwise permitted by a member of the school staff. During INSTRUCTIONAL time, a student may use their mobile device as indicated when directed by the teacher/instructor in charge solely for educational purposes. Parents who need to reach their child (or vice versa) should communicate via the front office if an emergency arises. A student may use a mobile device on a school bus as directed by the official in charge. (Bus Driver, Teacher, Coach). Failure to follow instructions from the school official in charge may result in a discipline referral. Continued use of a mobile device after being instructed by a school official not to do so may result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to the device being collected by school staff to be picked up by a parent.

Q: Is there any extra support for military families?

A: Yes, there is! We have a full-time military counselor (MFLC) on-site. Call for more information, 850-995-3680.